March 2019

CBD, Health
Posted on in Health/Supplements

Oil, Pill, Powder, Which CBD is right for you?

Which CBD is right for you? Many of you know Brooke Alpert, as a registered dietitian, nutritionist and author, but we are so excited to share her as your resource for all things CBD. As licensed cannabis practitioner, Brooke can provide guidance, whether it is an oil, powder, pill, or vapor. Keep Reading

Cannabis, Matcha green tea
Posted on in News/What's New

23 Industries Seizing The $32B Cannabis Market Opportunity

legal cannabis is now a fast-growing global industry. And it’s proving to be disruptive, impacting everything from beverage production to home construction. Global consumer spending on cannabis will reach $32B by 2022, according to BDS and Arcview Market Research, around 3x the current level. Keep Reading

evo hemp, hemp 90 protein
Posted on in Health/Supplements

HEMP 90 PRO, Yes To 27 Grams Per Serving

Evo Hemp’s made-in-the-USA 45% Hemp Protein Powder is a perfect plant-based protein powder to promote healthy and strong muscles, and healthy brain function. This easy-to-digest protein powder is gentle on the system and it assimilates properly due to raw enzymes in the hemp. Keep Reading

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