Highline Wellness CBD

Highline Wellness Premium CBD Mint Drops & Chews You’ll Love!

in Supplements/What's New

Our team loves the CBD Premium chews.  The question is always asked…..Why is CBD important? The human body has a vast network of receptors, the endocannabinoid system, which plays a key role in keeping everything in your body balanced and running smoothly. CBD reacts with these receptors and elevates the effectiveness of our own endocannabinoid system to support optimal health.

Highline Premium CBD Chews are not only tasty but pack a healing punch with each bite. They contain 10 mg of our broad-spectrum cannabinoid hemp concentrate with all of the soothing nutrients you need to get fast-acting benefits.

Now the best part of this brand is the Mint CBD Drops, the broad-spectrum CBD Drops are the most effective & fast acting delivery of CBD. It has a soft mint flavor, 100% vegan, gluten free, sugar free, and cruelty free. Each bottle contains 30ml of rich phytocannabinoid oil, expertly-extracted from organic hemp plants and blended with organic coconut oil as a carrier. Link into the world of Highline Premium products here at https://highlinewellness.com/products/cbd-gummies


Highline Wellness CBD

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